Chapter 4 - 24 Underground Auction, Resolved successfully and a shocking event

 While Freed went to call Emily and Wendy, Chris went to the kitchen to prepare tea, and now Hayato and I are alone in the room.


“Huh. ...... And yet the elixir sure has amazing effects”

"I'm sure it is. I gave an elixir I obtained after conquering a dungeon to the king, and that was the first time I saw its effects"


I see.

No wonder Hayato did not have any elixirs.

Being an Rank-S, he must have been through the dungeon at least once, and I was thinking that maybe he used it to help his friends or someone else, but I guess that is how it happened.


"Speaking of which, Hayato..."

"What is it?"

“Hayato's been to a lot of places, right?”

“Yes, of course, I've been to various places in the Kingdom, as well as to the Empire a few times.”

"The empire? In another world like this, it is often in the middle of a war"

“No, we have a peace agreement with the empire, and at the moment everyone is busy dealing with the demon tribe and the demon king, so I don't think we can afford to go to war"

"Oh, I see, that's good. Just by reducing one danger, I feel a lot safer"

"That's true. I also have acquaintances in the empire, and I would like to avoid war......"

"I see. If war breaks out, it looks like Hayato will be sent out to fight"


I don't know if he is a hero of the Rassiayu Kingdom or a recognized hero by the empire and the rest of the world, but at least as a noble of the kingdom, he is likely to be drafted.


"Well, ....... If I can protect those who have no power by being there, I will fight my enemies for my convictions”


Hayato's face at times like this becomes less childish and more resolved.

As an adult, I wouldn't want a child to have this kind of face.

But Hayato's serious and sincere eyes will never waver in his resolve.

Then I will only act to minimize the damage to Hayato and those around him.

I do not intend to participate in the war directly, but I would like to support Hayato personally.


“Well, it's good to know that there is peace now. Come to think of it, do I need a pass or something to get to the empire?”

“You will need something like a passport in the original world. If you apply to the lord for a passport, he will issue it to you after an investigation. It is the same as when you go abroad, you need to tell them what your purpose is and how long you will stay in the country. Are you planning to go?”

“Well, maybe after I've seen all of Kingdom. I assume they have some sort of beer in the empire?”

"Lager, I think. Shall I order some?"

“Yes, if possible I may order some”


Well, it would be less trouble for Hayato if I asked Meira, Darwin's daughter-in-law, to help me while I am in Einsheil.

I believe Meira works in the import/export business, and I'm sure she would be willing to do so if I asked her.

Oh, I want to drink a cold beer with beef tongue.

It would be nice to drink it slowly on the terrace while picking pea pods.

Oh, I thought they don't chill beer in other countries.

Well, I guess I could just chill the whole barrel like ice in a magic space.


"I remember now that you mentioned beer, but doesn't this world have rice?”

“'Yes, there is. It's in a country called Amatsukuni, far west of the Empire. ......

"Is it far away?"

"Yes,...... from here it could be a month at the earliest, maybe two months depending on the weather......"


Two months huh .......

That's quite far away to go.

Hmmm......... one of these days. ...…


“Ah, but it is really occasional that merchants bring it to Royal Capital or Einsheil. But the transportation costs are quite high, so the price is quite high......."

“Oh, ...... well, but I'd love to eat some rice......."

"Also, it seems there is no soy sauce in this world......."

“No way! What about Soybeans?”

“I've never seen it. ......"



No soy sauce......

That means there's probably no miso either. ......

Wow ...... I'm even more shocked when I find out the truth....…


Huh, I wish I could eat cold tofu and natto again. ......

I wish I could drink miso soup too.......

Add this to rice and grilled fish and it's a perfect breakfast set.

Personally, I'd like to have rice with natto.

But such a fantasy disappears into thin air.


Ah, nostalgic Japanese food .......

Farewell to plain and luxurious breakfast set.......


“Oh, but we haven't gone through the whole world yet! It's too early to give up!”

“'Yes, indeed! There's a possibility that it's quietly growing in some rural village that you haven't checked out yet!"

"Yes, that's right! Of course, I'll let Itsuki-san know when I find out!"

"Thank you Hayato ....... My friend at heart!"

“I'd rather have a good relationship in everyday life than a good guy in the theater version like that......"


That's right.

I'm not going to be a bratty kid myself!


"No, but I'll let you know if I get some too!"

“Yes! I'll be counting on you!”


Quickly, we shake each other's hands firmly.


"I'm sorry to interrupt. Moonlight grass that you seem to need, so I brought Miss Emily and Miss Wendy with me”

“You're here. Perfect timing"

“Yes, it is. Please come in"


Freed opens the door from the outside and Emily and Wendy enter.


"...... I've just been talking to Lady Wendy"

“Well, well, well. We can always do it another time”

“Ha-ha-ha ....... Sorry"

"My bad"

"I don't mind. So, what are you going to do with the Moonlight Grass?"

“I'm sorry, but I need to use it for a bit, do you mind?”

“Fine, but ....... What do you use it for?"


With that, Emily took out a piece of moonlight grass from her magic bag.

This moonlit grass was particularly brilliant, emitting one of the brightest lights I had ever seen.


“You'll have to wait until you see ......, or rather, experiment.”

"An experiment?"

"Excuse me for a moment"


Just as we were about to continue our conversation, Chris enters the room with a tray of tea sets on it.


"Chris ...... eyes, are they healed?”

“Yes! Thanks to Hayato-sama and brother, it is healed safely!"

"What do you mean ......?"

“Well, that is why we're doing this experiment. Ah,...... come to think of it, alchemy in ordinary houses is forbidden.......”


It was forbidden in an ordinary house to do alchemy.

I don't know about others as far as smelting within a magical space, but the “Known Magic [Experience Circle]” requires paper and magic circle and can it be done within a magical space? ......

Hmmm... ...... I'd like to do it the way I've always done it if possible, but let's see what I can do.

I don't want to go to the alchemists guild with a large group of people because it would draw attention and there is a risk of information leakage.


“Then here is my alchemy room in my house. Isn't that right, Freed?"

"Yes, sir. Yes, this is the alchemy room. Everything is fine"



There you are, Freed.

I thought you were outside of the room.

When did you come in?

I mean, is it really that easy to decide?

Well, since the head of the house says so and there are only related people here, I guess it's fine.


"Then let's get to it"



I prepared a piece of paper and a brush first, and invoked the “Known Magic[Experience Circle] ”.

Imagining the elixir in my mind, the magic circle was automatically drawn as before.


"Oh. Is this the effect of known magic[experience circle]?”

"Well, the magic circle is a shortcut. Apparently, accessories made from hand-formed handling can also be made with magic and ingredients"


The difference between this and “Forgery [Multi-Copy]” would be whether it is degraded or not.

Hand formed for creating originals.

However, it consumes a lot of MP, and to be honest, it is hard to make more than once a day.

For mass production, the forgery skill is more efficient, even if the ability decreases.

I think 'known magic' is better suited for small quantity reproductions.


It would be possible to keep making them by drinking magic recovery potions, but it seems that magic recovery potions have an addictive effect as well.

I drank up to 30 medium magic potions before, and Reinrich said to me that I was lucky.

If I was unlucky, she said, I would be in a constant state of addiction.

Once in a state of addiction, it is difficult to recover magic power, and the effects of things like recovery potions become less effective, she said.

In addition, she will always have headaches and other pains, and there is a 50% chance that a skill will fail.

Of course, even if skills fail, MP is still drained, so it is a painful loss in a situation where it is difficult to recover.


By the way, it seems that no matter how much a person drinks, as long as he or she is in a crazed state, he or she will not become addicted to it.

I don't understand the logic, but that's the way it is.

At the time of that drug I was forced to take before, they made me take 40 bottles of it.......


Well, it is said that it can be cured with an elixir, so it is not impossible to make it without much effort.

However, I don't want to go through that much trouble and pain to use it in large quantities.

In the first place, pain is something that men are weak against.

I am proud to say that I am especially weak.

I don't want to be scared or in pain.


"Well then, I'll get right on it”


I've already checked the ingredients.

Now I just have to hope that the moonlight grass is the last ingredient.


“Oh, ...... if I fail, I'll fall down, and when that happens, I'll ask you to”

"Eh? Yes! I'll hold you firmly!"


Wendy, sitting beside me, takes a pose of clasping her hands and trying her best.

What do you think, Hayato?

Isn't my Wendy-san cute not only in appearance but also in her manners?


“Well then I'm counting on you.”



Hearing Wendy's reply, I feel relieved and pour magic power into the magic circle.

This time I have the feeling that the magic is being poured firmly into something, and the MP consumed by it is even less than the last time.

Once again, detailed instructions flowed into my head, and for the third time, a small vial appeared above the magic circle.


“...... Fu”

“Master, is it a success?”

"Yes, it was a great success! Thank you, Emily"

"You really can make it. ......"

"What is this? Could it be?"

"Oh, it's elixir"

"How can you make elixirs? I never see such a description anywhere?!"


Emily, who is usually so calm, could not hide her confusion.

Well, normally she would be aware that it is only available when clearing dungeon, and it would be natural for her if she doesn't know that it could be made.


"There are no written records, not even in the Elven Forest. How could you possibly make one?"

“Well? I don't know either"

“Don't dodge the question! Answer me truthfully!"


Even if it is said, I'm at a loss....…


"Emily. Calm down. In the first place, the knowledge of an alchemist is an asset, right?”

“That's true but because I don't know anything about any of it! Isn't it natural for an elf, who is called a wise person, to want to know?"

"I understand that. But please consider the position of brother"

“Chris ......”

"I agree. Itsuki-san doesn't like to make a scene, so it's not nice to make a fuss about it"

"Well, I don't mind if you do. I can give you the recipe if you want"

“...... that's fine. I'm sorry"



Emily sat down in her chair, perhaps having regained her composure.

Normally, she would have wanted to know, but after Hayato and Chris reminded her, she probably couldn't say anything.


“Well, the moonlight plant is the one I borrowed from Emily. I'll give you an elixir, and you'll have to settle with that”

"Is ...... okay with you?"

“Yeah, use it, research it, do whatever you want with it. That's fine,right? Hayato"

"Well, if Hayato and the others are going to go to the dungeon from now on, I want them to get the moonlight grass and this is like an upfront investment. It was originally made thanks to Emily's moon grass, and now we can be sure of it.”


Frankly, 300 million Nors is a lot of money.

But now I know what I need.

All that remained was to hope that Hayato and his team could get it safely and without overdoing it.


“Oh, and of course, don't tell anyone, Wendy and Emily, okay?”

"I won't tell. I mean, if I tell ......, I'll be in big trouble.”

“...... Yes. If it would endanger the master, I won't tell anyone"

“Well, I'm sure they'll try to ask about Chris, but if they do, ask Freed to get the people off and then tell them both”

"Yeah, I know. But still, elixir. ......"

"Look into it and let me know what you find out"

“Knowledge is the treasure of an alchemist, isn't it?”

“I'm an alchemist, but Emily isn't, right?”

"...... is not fair. Those Alchemists are"

“I can understand if it's a drifter, but ...... ah. No, an alchemist is certainly sneaky”


Accessories sell for high prices, medicines are in such high demand, and even some people are afraid of the combat aspect.

Anything is possible, alchemists.

I think this is unfair.


“Well, if you don’t want to talk about the recipe, I'll tell you later. So, please.”

“Really? I'll take your word for it"

“Sure. Don't be modest"


Because Hayato and the others had reminded them earlier, they would not have been able to ask me about the information.

There is no detailed information on elixirs, and even if there were, it would probably be a state secret.

Since the government is involved in the research, obtaining the information may not only be a difficult task, it may be a hardship that is not worth the information.

If that is the case, I would much rather rely on Emily.


Well, Chris is healed and I know how to make the elixir.

There is only one thing left for me to do now.


"As I recall, this is the alchemy room?”

"Yes, it is, but ......"

“Then, as promised, I will make accessory for Chris”

”Yes. Then I will bring the cloth and sewing tools I have prepared here"

"Are you serious? It's all right, I've got enough time! I can't accept such a big deal for me"

“Tell her, Hayato.”

“Yes. Chris. You mustn't say that. Chris is a pretty girl. So please don't say like that to yourself"

“Hayato-sama. ......"


Fu .......

Hayato is a natural gigolo.

But I bet they don't realize it themselves.

And I am sure the girls will have a hard time from now on.

There will be no end to the number of women who will fall in love with Hayato on their paths.

I am sure that even now there are many of them, but now that he has started to express himself in words, I am sure that there will be even more.


"Well, then, let's get started over here.”

“Yes, I suppose so. Well, I'll go get the tools now"

"If you like, I can go get them. And I will also bring some cloths from the house"

“Is that so? May I ask you to do that?"

“Yes, of course. Then, please wait a moment"


With that, Freed leaves the room.

I am sure he will be back with amazing speed.


“'Oh, yeah. What about your bangs?”

“Hayato-sama, should I cut ...... them?”

“Either way is fine. Chris's charm will not be diminished by that"


Ooh-oh. What a treat.

I guess I'll use a hair clip then.

If hair can be held up at the front, there's no need to cut it.

Hmm? A sleeve is pulled up.


“I think I should have mine done here”

"Oh, sure. All right, let's make one for Emily"

“Please make it cute. I didn't expect Chris to be one step ahead ......! I was caught off guard. What a dark horse"


Chris, you are a scary girl, I have to say.

Well, I can do a hair clip or two in no time, no problem.

Now, I wonder what Emily's design should be.

After all, she is an elf, so perhaps something with the image of a tree in the forest would be good.

I'm sure Emily would approve of a hair clip with the words “Hayato's life” written on it.

I will make a joke out of it anyway.

If they don't like it, I can just make another one.


After this, we had a cup of tea while working on the alchemy, and then Chris and Emily fought over one of the hairpins in front of the three hairpins that had been completed.

However, Hayato retrieved that hair clip and the matter was resolved. ......


“Itsuki-san? This is embarrassing ......”

“Well, I thought no one can read it, ......"

"What if another reincarnated person sees the hair clip with my life written on it!"


Of course that's true.

I mean, you wouldn't think that if I gave them an explanation, they would fight over it.

It's just a joke, a funny joke!


“Master? Can I have a hair clip that says 'Master's Life' on it?”

"Ah, ....... Hayato, I'm sorry"

"No, ......, I just hope you to understand from this......"


I take back what I said before.

My sense of shame is over the limit with this one.

If other reincarnated people saw me, they would surely see me as a creepy guy.......


Thus, I gave them hair clips of a design that suited them both safely, and the day was over.

Later, Letty and Solte pressed me about the elixir, and I told them that it was a very complicated event....…



Author Note:


This concludes chapter 4.


Now, as it is a good time for a break, I think it is time to review the chapter titles and other settings of chapter 4, as much as I can.

I will also make some character descriptions for the new characters.

So I may take a break from the main story for a while.


I'd like to start chapter 5 as soon as possible, but I may post a quiet story if I'm having trouble with revisions or something.

Well, I'm going to post a quiet story at .......

This time, I'm going to post a story on ...... to see who I should put in the spotlight.

I will report any revisions I make at the bottom of the characterization or in the activity report.


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