Chapter 4 - 21 Underground Auction, Ingredients for elixirs

 Author Note:


I was thinking about this and it came late....…



Before dawn broke, the auction came to an end.

At the exchange counter on the way out, those who bid on the items paid for their items, and those who sold their items received the proceeds minus a handling fee.

This is done under the stained glass near the entrance, that is, behind the large cross.

If anyone tries to do anything here, they will feel as if they are being punished by Goddess.


'I'm glad for your success'


Theresa, who handed me the money, remarked, but I think it is the church that has the best deal, since the elixir sold for about twice the market price at this auction.


‘I'm sorry for Hayato’


Theresa said, well, it's too early to give up there yet.


“Well, who knows, maybe by some chance I'll get it tomorrow.”

“What, ......? Itsuki-san?"


For that reason, I am heading to the Alchemists' Guild in Royal Capital tomorrow.

The reason I have not yet made a clear statement is because there is no guarantee that I will be able to make it.

If I give them high expectations and then fail to make it, they will be very disappointed.

I would feel too bad for both Chris and Hayato.


Thus ended my first auction.

On the carriage ride home, everyone fell asleep while leaning against each other, and by the time we woke up, we were at the mansion.

Freed was indeed a master at moving the carriage without any significant shaking.


"I'm home......."

“Oh, my lord, welcome home.”

“Good night,.......”

“Oh, yes. Good night ......"


I didn't expect Aina to be awake.......

And her outfit is still the same as before, maybe she was planning to give me a lap pillow when I got back ......?

But she's already slammed into bed.

When I glance hard at Aina, she seems to be glancing at me and watching me.



“Oh, ...... my pillows don't fit .......”

“Oh, is that so? Then, that ...... happens to have my lap .......”


...... in the human body does one happen to have lap pillow,huh.

I'm more afraid of not coincidentally having lap pillow.

Oh well. The most important thing now is sleep.

If she's willing to let me sleep on that wonderful pillow, then by all means, let's sleep on it.


“I will leave it to you ....... If you're going shopping with Solte and the others, I don't mind waking me up or dropping me off at that time.”

"I appreciate the thoughtfulness. Well, then, .......”


Aina slowly comes over to the bed.

I'm kind of nervous about the way she's coming up.

But today is no good.

I'm going to sleep. I'm sleepy.


"Then ...... good night ......”

"Oh, lord. Have a good rest”


I don't feel like doing a lot of things today.

Let's just go to bed....…



When I woke up in the morning, my nice pillow had disappeared and was replaced by a regular cloth pillow.

According to the letter on my pillow, it seemed that the three of them had gone out for shopping.

I was glad that they had gone shopping, because I would have felt bad if they had stayed here.

I read through the letter.


'Pervert Solte, pervert Renge, shh, Lord. Well, I'm off then, Aina'



Please tell me what I have done .......

Aina's handwriting is squishy and curly.

She must have written it in a hurry! Yup.

She was still dressed like that, so she must have written it in a hurry when those two came charging at her!

Okay. This is not my fault!


The time is ....... I didn't have a watch.

Judging from my hunger, I'd say it's about mid-afternoon?

I wonder if Hayato and the others are already awake?

At any rate, let's go to the room where we eat.


"Itsuki-san. Good morning. Breakfast, or rather lunch, would you like some?"

"I'll have some. I'm just getting out of bed, so I'd like something light"

"Then again, would you like a sandwich?"

“That's just about the best I can hope for"

"I'll make it for you"


Chris interrupts her meal, pulls up a chair, and stands up.


“Sorry to interrupt your eating ....... You can do it later”

"No, no, no. Oni-san is our guest"


After saying this, she headed toward the kitchen.


“ ...... Have you informed Chris?”

"Yes, I did. I told her as soon as I got home yesterday"

“Was everything all right?”

“Yes, in fact she said, I don't need it! ...... But I still want to cure her after all. She is a girl......."

“Yeah, I guess so. In the event that Shiro or Wenday wake up, tell them that I'm going to the alchemy guild in Royal City today"

“'Aren't you going with them?

“Unlike Reinrich's place, which I know very well, this is a guild in Royal Capital. Just tell them they are free to go today"


After all, this is the royal capital.

It would be fine for the two of them to stretch their wings to the fullest once in a while.


"Thank you for waiting. Vegetables, meat and cheese, is that okay?”

"Yes, of course. Chris's food is delicious! Everything tastes good"

“I'm flattered, but all I can offer you is a cup of tea"

"That's all I want"


In fact, Chris' food is delicious.

It is so good that it makes me not want to eat out in Royal Capital anymore.

But then, does the level of cooking skill have something to do with how good the food tastes?


“'Hey Hayato, what happens to cooking skills when levels go up?”

"Well, first of all, if you have the cooking skill, you can make delicious food. Also, monsters that drop ingredients will drop ingredients at a higher rate, and your DEX will increase"

“”Doesn't 'the food tastes better' become more delicious as the level gets higher?”

“Hmm ...... seems to be to a certain extent. The rest depends on the sense of the person who made it, I guess?”


Oh, that's how it is.

For some reason my cooking skills don't go up.......

Is there any indication of remaining experience or something like that ......?


"Ugh. Thanks for the food!"

"Oh, should I arrange for a carriage?”

“Hmm......... is the Alchemists' Guild in Royal Capital far from here?”

"No, it's about a 10-minute walk"

“Then that's fine. I'll walk"

"I understand. Have a good day"

"I'm off!"


After leaving my room, I went out alone for the first time in a long time.

Thinking back, I don't think I've gone out alone for a long time.

I'd like to go to ...... Red-light district, but unfortunately, I have something to do this time.

Well, I hope I can repay my debt to my benefactor.


When I arrived in front of the Alchemists Guild, I was first surprised by its size.


“Oh ......, indeed Royal Capital, it sure is big.......”


So the sign is the same as the one in Einsheil?

So that means this is the proof that this is the Alchemists Guild in any city.


"Good morning”


I walk in and exchange greetings with the receptionist lady.

Unlike Einsheil, several alchemists seem to be chatting and laughing.


"Yes. Good morning. How may I help you today?”

“Well, I would like to rent the alchemy room"

“Yes I understand. May I see your guild card?"



They are polite and courteous.


"You must be the Class A alchemist from Einsheil. Please come this way. There is no charge for the use of the alchemy room”


Come to think of it, I was told by Rieto-san that there is no alchemy room fee when one reaches the A level, but I guess it is not charged in other alchemists' guilds either.

I entered the alchemy room as I was led.

It seems that not much difference seems between the two rooms.

It seems that only the minimum necessary items are placed in the room.


"Have a good day"

"Oh, thank you"


Well, and .......

Let's get started.


Before starting alchemy, the first step is preparation.

Since it is a elixir that I am going to make this time, I will try the same method, although I don't know how I was able to make it last time.

In other words, using Known Magic[Experience Circle].


So I took out a piece of paper with the magic circle that was automatically written down the last time I invoked the skill.

And before activating the skill, I made sure to check my inventory of medicinal herbs.

I just asked Aina and the others to get them for me before I left on my trip, so there are a lot of them.

I think I can probably make the elixirs with this, but it would be best to know what I need and how much.

So here is the breakdown.


[Medicinal grass 54

Medicinal grass Large 23

Medicinal magic grass 48

Medicinal magic grass Large 25

Poisonous grass 31

Poisonous grass Large 18

Sedative herb 8

Medicinal flower herb 15

Red olivre 8

Blue limpets 6

Yggdrasil leaves 15

Yggdrasil stem 6

Yggdrasil buds 6

Yggdrasil flowers 5

Yggdrasil seeds 4]


And so on.

Sedative herb has a calming effect on a disturbed mind, and medicinal flower herbs boost the potency of the medicine, so to speak.

Red olivre is a red olive and blue limpet is a blue apple.

These herbs have no medicinal properties, but they were given to me as souvenirs.


And then there is the Yggdrasil series.

The word “Yggdrasil” may sound intimidating, but this plant does not bloom in any particular place, and it is possible that Aina and her friends may be lucky enough to come across it deep in the forest where they collect materials.

It is possible to find it blooming just after entering the forest, so for new adventurers, it is like winning the lottery by chance.

Anyway, it is not something that can be collected by anyone, but it is something that anyone can get, depending on their luck.


Although Yggdrasil leaves can naturally be used as they are, they can be used to make a recovery potion (large) when they are extracted from the leaves.

Although it is possible to make a recovery potion (large) by mixing medicinal flower herbs with medicinal herbs, the effect is greater using Yggdrasil leaves.

They are more expensive, costing 40,000 Nors per leaf.


Next was the stem.

The performance of this stem was interesting.

It is hollow inside and can be used like a straw.

Using it to drink, even plain water has the same recovery effect as a small recovery potion.

The drawback is that there is a limit to the number of times it can be used, and if kept on using it, it will wither and fall apart.


Next, buds and flowers.

These were simply imbued with magical power.

If they were grinded up and used, they would still become a magic recovery potion (large).


Finally, seeds.

The effect is to cure simple abnormalities and to nullify illusions, hallucinations, hypnotic effects, etc., with its unique bitter taste.


However, as in all areas, they cannot be preserved unless they are processed.

Not only the flowers and buds, but also the leaves and stems wither in a few days, so a magic bag is a must.

Fortunately, I have a magical space to store them, but I had requested Aina and the others to return as soon as they found them.


But once I tried to make a recovery potion with all of these, but it turned out to be only the ‘elixir (inferior)’ I gave to Oligor.

But for me, I still can only think that this one is involved in the elixir.

But I am sure that this is not the only reason.


To begin with, there are thousands of alchemists in this world, and even if a handful of them were level 9 alchemists, there must have been dozens or even more level 9 alchemists in the past.

Among them, it's impossible ...... not to notice something like this.

I think I'm being unfair because I can make something without knowing how to make it, but I believe I'll be able to find some kind of clue.

But I think the problem is that for alchemists, information is truly a treasure, and they often keep it to themselves.


Anyway, I have the ingredients, so let's try it once and see what I need.

Maybe I won't be able to make it, but that's another story for another time.


Pouring my magic into the magic circle I used last time, I think of the elixir I made earlier.


"Known Magic [Experience Circle]”


When I poured magic into the magic circle, I felt that more magic was being sucked out than last time.

I don't know why, and I need to check the status to find out, but that's how it feels.

And the instantaneous way of making it flow in my head is the same as last time.


Finally, with one final gurgling sound, a single small bottle is formed on top of the magic circle.


[Elixir: The world's best medicine to cure all kinds of abnormalities and defects in the body.

    At the same time, it also restores physical and magical strength]


I guess I can repay Hayato a little for now.

I put the elixir firmly away in my magical space, and now it's time to check the consumption of materials!


I check the ingredients while drinking a potion to recover magic power.


[Medicinal grass 54

Medicinal grass Large 23→18

Medicinal magic grass 48

Medicinal magic grass Large 25→20

Poisonous grass 31

Poisonous grass Large 18

Sedative herb 8

Medicinal flower herb 15→10

Red olivre 8

Blue limpets 6

Yggdrasil leaves 15→10

Yggdrasil stem 6→4

Yggdrasil buds 6→4

Yggdrasil flowers 5→3

Yggdrasil seeds 4→2]


It turned out as follows.

That's much less than I expected ...... in terms of material.

But if this much is ground down using a handing, it should be more than this vial will hold.

In other words, it must be concentrated somewhere, or some other method must be used.

I don't know where or how, but I can't see it at the moment.

Hmm? I mean, with this amount of material consumed, I could make another one.

Well, since I'm here, I might as well give it a try.

Just in case, I don't want to have to worry about the magic power being sucked out of me in large quantities like before, so I'm going to use a large magic recovery potion to restore me to full recovery.


I lay down the magic circle again, think of the elixir, and pour in the magic power.

But this time, however, it feels as if only the magic power is being sucked out of me .......

No, wait a minute.

How far are you going to suck it?

I feel like there's nothing left to absorb.

I feel like I'm pouring water into a bottomless bottle!


Oh no! 

Wait a minute!

Hey! This is that thing, isn't it?

It's the same as when I mistakenly applied alchemy once before!

I can feel my MP running out like hot water!

Oh, okay fine, I get it.

I'm ready. Come at me from anywhere!

But at least, I hope I don't hit my head when I pass out and collapse....…

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