Chapter 4 - 20 Underground Auction, Auction Part 2

After a beautiful mermaid girl was sold for 40 million Nors, it was finally my turn for an accessory.


"Now, here is our next item! A complete set of necklaces by a high-level alchemist!"

"Is that Itsuki's?"

"Yeah. Well, I heard the start price is 10 million, let's see how far it goes.......”


I'm guessing it will be around 30 million Nors according to what I've seen so far.

If it reaches 40 million, it will be great.


“One of these here was made with the formed handing, wasn't it? It has three ...... abilities! And they are all very effective! Hm? I can see the offensive and defensive abilities, but the voice loudness ......?”


Vice captain looked puzzled.

Incidentally, the ability displayed is 'attack power increases greatly, defense power increases greatly, and voice volume increases greatly.


"Let's see, the remainder was made using forgery [multi-copy] skills, wasn't it? Yup. This one has all the abilities I just mentioned, but with a medium rise. But still, I've never seen a voice increase ability before. I'll give it a try, but don't say it's used item!”


With that said, vice captain puts the original one around his neck.


“Shiro, Wendy, Hayato, Letty, cover your ears.”



I quickly cover my ears.

Shiro closed her ears with a sleepy look on her face, and Wendy quickly covered her ears as if she didn't even have a question.

Seeing this, Hayato and Letty hurriedly covered their ears as well.


"EV! ER! Y! O! NE! Voice is loud ......”


Of course, I know it well because I tried it once.

That thing, it's like a microphone.

But there is no echo or anything, it just gets louder as usual.

I think that when I tried to make it sound like a trumpet, it ended up sounding like a megaphone, and as a result, the effect of increasing the loudness of the voice was added.

But the fact that it still has a large increase in loudness may be due to the quality of the materials and the high level of alchemy.


“My deepest apologies, I'm so sorry! Wow ...... this is useful. I would normally like one for use in auctions, but I'm not sure if churchly participation should be at ......, oh, no? The organizer is only neutral. I'm sorry, but I understand! So, we'll start with 30 accessories, 10 million Nors, one original here and 29 made by forgery [multi-copy], with one unit of ...... 2 million Nors! Let's get started! Oops, that was fast! Number 31 suddenly ups it 10 million, that's 20 million Nors!"


Oh, it's nice when things that I made suddenly go up to the max value.


“Number 16, another 10 million! That's 30 million Nors! Number 4, add 2 million, and that's 32 million Nors! Number 31, add 10 million, and that's 42 million Nors!"


In no time at all, the amount exceeded my expectations.


“Now, number 4, add another 2 million, and that's 44 million Nors! Number 31, add 6 million and that makes 50 million Nors! Now anyone else? Any bid? All right? All right, then! A 30-piece set of accessories! Sold to bidder number 31 for 50 million Nors!"


Oh ......50 million. Even if I paid 5 million Nors to the church, it is 45 million Nors for me.


"You did it!"

"Yeah, I guess so! It's more fun than I thought it would be seeing what I've put up for auction."

“”Yes, it is. I was thrilled when Itsuki-san's item was sold!"

"Congratulations, Master"

"Thank you, Wendy"



You getting sleepy, Shiro.

Here, put your head in my lap.


"And yet, it was higher than I expected"

“Is it? The increase in voice volume is a rare ability, and I think it's reasonable. In fact I think it should be more expensive"

“But who would buy it, the leader of the knights, right? Doesn't it seem to be loud to begin with?"

“That's why it's great item.  

It can be used to give orders, to command, to intimidate, and even to make people think that they are outnumbered"

"Additional orders?"

“Yes, that accessory has an engraved inscription, doesn't it?”

"Yes, of course"

“If so, the Knights Order may notice its usefulness and ask for it. In addition, the king can also use it to make speeches in front of the people, and microphones are used in various places in the original world"


I see.

So that makes me another reason to make money but have to work.......

Plus it costs a lot of materials.......

This time it is partly because of the high-grade materials given to me by Hayato, and if I were to make the same thing again, I would be overwhelmed by the lack of materials.

It would be nice if I could make an accessory with only the voice increase successfully attached using inexpensive materials.......


"Now the next item is ahhhhh! Uh, ...... eh.”


Hmm? What's going on?


“Yes, can I read this as it is? Yes, I'll read it at ....... Understood.”


He is conversing with someone offstage, and then gives a quick explanation with a subtle look of understanding and a single coughing sound.


"Excuse me! Here is the next item! A beautiful half-elf girl!"



She is indeed a beautiful woman.

She looks about the size of ...... Renge.

She is not young, but she is not as mature as Aina or Wendy.

She has pointed ears, pure white skin, platinum blonde hair, and is exactly the elf I envisioned.


Emily at Hayato's place is a pure elf, but her hair is short, sorry, but I still think an elf should have long hair.

But those eyes ...... are not like a normal slave.

She doesn't have a sad face like the slaves that have come out until now.

Is she angry......?


“Half-Elf ......”

"Hmm? Something wrong?"

"No, the half-elf is, you see, ......"


After seeing her, Hayato's eyes became a little stern.


“As everyone knows, half-elves are subject to various kinds of skill resistance. Naturally, this includes slavery, so the reality of half-elf slaves is that they cannot be touched, cannot be played with, and cannot be commanded. And this half-elf is a particularly strong one, a troubled child who has attempted to escape many times. Furthermore, the half-elf has a strong grudge against the human race. Therefore, there is no guarantee that they will abide by such restrictions as not touching their masters as slaves. The only use for her is to be chained up in sturdy chains and admired, but as beautiful as she looks, the starting price is 10 million Nors. Units start at one million Nors. So here you go! ...... ”


But vice captain then does not continue to speak.


“Well, I guess it will come down to this ......”

"What do you mean?"

“'Originally, half-elves are often seen by the world as half-breeds. Not only elves, but also giants, werewolves and other half-human races as well"


That's what the half-giant tribe ...... Freed is, but that's what he said at that time.

No, but from the human race's point of view, Freed and the others don't look lower-ranked.

No matter how you look at it, they look stronger than the human race.


"Hah ....... She looks like a beautiful elf sister to me.”

"I think so too"


Hayato and I are both reincarnated, and we don't have strong prejudices against race to begin with.

Oh, and as for insects, no count.

That's not a species.


“But with half-elves, they have a higher resistance to skills, but they are not as magical as elves, and they are not a race that can be expected to grow as much as the human race, so they are especially hard to deal with. ......"

“So they are resented. But why only the human race? Why not against the elves?"

“They are just pathetic beings to the elves. There is no such thing as senseless slander against them. But they frown when they are subjected to the same treatment"


Hayato gave a short sigh.


“Hah ...... that, basically, half-elves live in small villages in deep forests and hide out with only half-elves or other half races, but sometimes there are people who kidnap them because they think they are elves and live in the forests.

Of course, kidnapping is a crime, but in many cases they are sold at unauthorized illegal slave markets, and once they are in people's hands, it is difficult to find out where they came from. I don't know where they are held, so I've never attended one, but apparently 'unsold' items, including half-slaves, are processed there at cheap prices.......”

"I see......"


Of course, they would hate it if they were kidnapped and forced into slavery by a tribe of people when all they want to do is live a quiet and peaceful life.

Even so, she is a beautiful but scary looking woman.

She glared at all the people in the hall, and behind her you could see her anger, as if she was hurling her resentment and hatred at them.


"No, wait a minute. How exactly is forcibly enslaving someone?”


No matter how irrational it is to force people into slavery, how could it be unreasonable?


“It's not impossible only for the half-breeds, ....... They are treated as lower class to begin with, no one will protect them if they are falsely accused, and if they are not good enough, they have no more human rights than human race slaves.......”

"That's terrible......."

"Yes,....... But it's frustrating that we can't do anything about it. ...... Even if we reach out to them, they don't believe in us human beings......."


As for Hayato, he would like to buy it and help her.

However, Hayato's party also includes Chris, and he cannot say that there is no danger .......

Even if he released her immediately, it would only be a temporary measure if he didn't know if she would be able to return to her village safely.


"Well, that means no buyers for her today, so let's move on!”


While I was pondering this and that, I heard that her auction was over.

Or perhaps it is more correct to say that it was terminated at vice captain's discretion.


"Master. Are you sure you didn't want to purchase it?”

“Yes, why?”


The question ‘Why this?’ is not ‘Why do I have to buy it?’ but rather, ‘Why did you figure out I had to buy it?’

To be honest, I was worried about the risk to myself, and also to Shiro and Wendy, but I couldn't take the first step to buy it.

I don't know if this was out of pity or out of my erotic soul, but it is bothering me.


“She seemed beautiful, just the way Master liked her, so ......"

"No, well, if you say so......."

“'It's all right, you know? Your eyes are very much interested in the mermaid earlier"


No, the mermaids earlier, you see, hey.

Because they are mermaids and as it was promised, they had a small area of clothing on their upper body. ......

And on top of that, they have big boobs, which is, hey, you see?

Of course I'll look at them.

But in my house, even if I bought a mermaid girl, the only place for water is the bathroom, and it would be a problem if I couldn't take a bath....…


“'Yah ...... would you be mad if I bought it too?”

“'Huh. ....... Master thinks I get angry easily, doesn't it? I'm deeply hurt”


And Wendy, who looks away with her cheeks puffed out, is kind of cute, too.


"Well, you see, it might be dangerous......."

“That's true, but Master is the kind of person who will swallow the whole thing up if the other person is a pretty girl......."


I wonder that would be like Renge or Solte.

Well, as for me, I've decided to think of that as an unfortunate accident and .......

I'm just in the position of a criminal slave as a result of the accident.

Aina and Solte continue to help me with material gathering, and Renge was just unlucky.

As for them, they are well-known adventurers in Einshale as Red Line, and I'm trying to get all three of them to return to their former lives when the time is right.......


"Well, well. Oh, look, I'm about to start explaining the next product!”

“Haha ...... you don't deny it. Itsuki-san."

“No, because ...... someone said that cute is justice......."

"In this world, there are plenty of cute and bad girls, so you should be especially careful, Itsuki-san?"


Gugu .......

Coming from Hayato, who came to this world earlier than I did and has experienced many things, I could only gulp in my heart.

What mature eyes you have, Hayato,.......

At his age, to be so skeptical of a pretty and beautiful girl is ....…


“I understand ....... I'll keep that in mind.”


I will take it as a solid piece of advice from a senior member of this world with a depth of experience not as age.

A beautiful rose has thorns. I'll take that as advice.


“......, but I'm sure it won't"

“It won't make much difference .......”


Both Wendy and Hayato think too much of .......

Well, I think so too.

But I'll keep it in mind!

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