Chapter 5-6 (Temporary) Fan

 After breakfast, I decided to go with Wendy to the room that Hayato had designated as the alchemy room in this pavilion.

Shiro was going to join Renge and the others who were training in the morning.

Shiro eats well and moves well, and I am sure she will grow up to be a great girl.


For now, what I'm going to deal with is a 'rotating sphere'.

First, I poured magic power into it once to see how much it rotates.

Then, the rotating sphere started to turn slowly at first and gradually faster.

However, it was not fast enough to be a real fan.

As I thought, the effect itself is not as effective as the 'vibrating sphere'.


If so, I wonder if something else is needed to give it the power to rotate.


I should try to synthesize a magic stone with a spinning sphere and make it possible to double storage of magic power.

No, but it would only increase the amount of contents, so it would be meaningless. ......

I think we need to increase the output more than the capacity of the contents.


Then I wonder what if I synthesize it with a wind magic stone.

The wind magic will increase the speed, and I wonder if the spinning speed will also increase.

Let's give it a try for now.

Let's synthesize the wind magic stone and the spinning sphere.


[Spinning Sphere of Wind]


Yeah. It looks exactly the same.

Now, let's try pouring magic power into it.




Hmmm...... rotation speed doesn't increase, but there seems to be a slight breeze flowing through the air.

It is barely perceptible when the hand is close to it.

In this case it would be better to pour magic power into the magic stone of the wind.



“Um, what's up?”

"Well, I'm just having a bit of trouble"


A slight breeze...... slight breeze, huh?

If the wind power were a little stronger, I might be able to turn that wind into propulsion, but it's too weak....

Hmmm, let's go to the next idea.


I'll try to increase the rotation speed by using the magic induction plate similarly to the vibrator.

If two magic induction plates are used, it would act like a magnet, and it might be possible to make the propeller rotate faster by using the force of repulsion between the magic induction plates.

However, as with the vibrator, it will be very difficult to find the right combination of the two and the position of the propeller.


For now, let's make a framework.

I'd like to make a regular living room type fan ...... No, wait, .......

It's not like it is need to be a solid product released by a company, and there's no need to be concerned about the shape.

Then I should give priority to its combination.

Let's try trial and error for now.


Here's the result!


Well, it looks like a fan, but I wonder if this can be called a fan.......

No, the fan-shaped board turns and creates wind, so it is definitely a fan......


The fan is a “wind magic induction plate” made by reconstructing a wind magic stone into a plate shape and combining it with a magic induction plate.

For its axis, a rotating sphere is reconstructed and made into a [rotating wheel]. Then, like a bearing, fine spheres are placed at equal intervals to reduce friction and increase the number of rotations.


Furthermore, in order to increase the rotation speed, a magic induction plate was processed into a square grid on the frame, and by processing the sides into plates on the sides, a device was made to change the slight sideways wind generated by the “wind magic induction plate” to the forward direction.

This made it possible to achieve speeds up to what is commonly referred to as “medium speed”.

By twisting a knob, the amount of magic power supplied can be cut, so the amount of airflow can be adjusted as well.

It is undeniably a work of confidence.


However, it is more tiring than I expected......

The adjustment of the magic induction plate was quite tedious .......

It was quite difficult to combine them while thinking about the front and back when creating a grid.


But this skill is for such a time!

'Known Magic Circle [Experience Circle]!'

Well, I'm glad my level of alchemy is so high!

Now I can easily make one for myself.


Therefore, let's make the next prototype another time.

I've come up with some new ideas this time.

This “spinning wheel” is very useful.


"Would you like some tea?"

"Thank you. I'm sorry, it's boring, isn't it?"

"No, no, no. I see Master is working with a serious face."


I don't think it's something she'd enjoy watching, but, well, if it's okay with Wendy, so be it.


"It's working just fine for now"


In front of me is the fan I made earlier.

I immediately poured some magic power into it and gave it a try.


"Yes, it is. It's very cool.”

“I wish it had a turntable.”

"A turntable?”


Wendy shakes her head, but it's not.

If air hits directly, it's going to make people sick.

Well, that's where the airflow control comes in.

I lost track why I increased the wind power, but .......


Now, speaking of fans, there are tower-type fans nowadays, but let's put that aside for the moment.


"Well, now that it's finished, let's go give it to Hayato."

“Yes. Master!"


Firmly storing the fan in magic space, and securely cleaning up the other scattered materials.

Now, I wonder where Hayato is.


“If it's Hayato-sama, he's in the garden.”

“Oh!” “Whoa! That startled me!"


Just as we were walking out of the room, we were suddenly approached from behind, and both Wendy and I were startled at the same time.

Wendy was hugging my arm in surprise, and when I turned around, there was Freed, as I had expected.


"I beg your pardon.”

"No, yeah, it's fine, but I didn't sense any sign of you......"

"That's a basic butler's rule."

"And how did you know we were looking for Hayato?"

"It's a basic butler's rule, sir."


That basic butler thing is definitely not what I know of butlers!

No, well, I can certainly do anything I want! Like, I have an impression of him, but I think he's just basically competent enough!


"Well, thanks a lot. I'll go."

"Yes, sir. And could you tell Chris-sama it's time to start preparing lunch?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll let her know"


Huh, Freed's appearance was not good for my heart.

Speaking of which, I thought I should help out with lunch, and when I turned around, sure enough, he was no longer there.

Well, I'll ask Chris later, and we decided to go to the garden where Hayato is.



Outside the front door, at the stairs in front of me, Hayato, who are my destination, and the others are sitting down.

Beside him seem to be Chris and Letty.

I looked ahead to see what they were looking at, and it seems that the three members of Red Line and Shiro were in the middle of a training session.


"Hey there, Hayato. Fan is ready"

"Itsuki-san. Is it done already?


Though I say “already,” it must have been three or four hours since breakfast.

I'm sure it's incredibly fast if a fan can be made in three or four hours.


“Alchemy sure is ...... still useful."

"Haha, skills are useful, aren't they?"


It is hard not to wish that there had been something special like this in the original world, but if there had been, I am sure that the scientific culture would not have developed to the extent that it has.

I think it is precisely because it does not exist that the field of science has developed to such a large extent.


"Well, I'll give you the finished product later. Did you watch Shiro and the others?"

"Yeah, I did. I've been meaning to ask you, who is this Shiro of yours?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. ......"


Shiro is my sweet Shiro!

That's all I can say.


“Overwhelmed three against one, and keeps evading without taking a single blow. ......”



Looking at Shiro and the others, she dodges, avoids, and waves her hand in our direction.

Hey, it's dangerous.


“Oh crap, why can't I hit anything while you're looking away!”

"Frustration is the last thing you should be doing when you're fighting. It dulls your concentration. A spear that doesn't hit becomes even harder to hit"

“I can't say anything back because I didn't actually hit it! Ahh... I'll definitely hit you!"

“Don't get worked up, either. Are you really a boar and not a dog people?"

“Shut up! I'm definitely going to hit you!”


It seems that she is giving advice ...... while avoiding them.

Yeah, it's supposed to be advice.


“ Seyaaahhhh!”


Then Aina's sword enters from behind.

However, she effortlessly dodged the sword swung down from the upper level, and even though the sword was cut up in the direction she avoided from there, she did not panic at all and deflected its trajectory with her knife.


"Aina is too simple-minded. I'm not saying that following the book is bad, but if you follow the book even for feints, it's like asking your opponent to avoid you. You have to think and devise your own moves while fighting."

"Mmm, mmm. It is difficult. ...... My body moves according to the pattern."

“If your opponent finds out, you will be defeated without a doubt. Even a powerful blow is meaningless if it does not hit."

"I will take your advice to heart."


Aina also readies her sword and looks for an opening for Shiro.

Incidentally, Solte's spear is also being thrust out even now, and Shiro is talking to Aina while avoiding it without looking too hard.


"I'm coming!”


Then, Renge, clenching her fist, descends from above.

Naturally, Shiro dodges it as if avoiding bird droppings.

After that, Renge landed on the ground and dealt with a series of strikes with a single backstep, and this time, Shiro unusually swung a knife at Renge.

Renge seemed to duck just in time, but she quickly got back up.


"Are you stupid enough to raise your voice at an impending surprise attack? Also, you should have a little more time to evade."

“Even Shiro's just in time!”

"Shiro's and Renge's are different. There is a difference between Shiro's and Renge's. Shiro is thinking about the next move and avoiding it. Renge's is just barely avoiding, but your balance after avoiding is not good."

“I don't understand anything difficult!"

“Then you learn it with your body.”


Then Shiro began to attack Renge with a knife.

Renge was just barely able to avoid it, but eventually her legs got tangled up and she fell down.


"See, here's what happens."

“That's because Shiro attacked me in all the places I didn't want to be!”

“This is a fight. It's not just about beating and destroying with force"

"I got it!"

“No, you don't”


Solte tries to deliver a blow to Shiro from behind, but even that is easily evaded by Shiro, who seems to have read it and easily evades to behind Solte from the state of turning around.


"Hyaa! SOLTE! It's dangerous!"

"It's your fault for lying down forever! Renge, charge in and hold Shiro back a little bit. I'll pierce you through and through.”

"Don't get too frustrated just because you can't get a hit! I mean, if I could catch her, I wouldn't have any trouble at all!"



Still, it's brilliant.

No matter how strong Shiro is, it's still three against one.

And I saw something like a “black cloth” during yesterday's training.

The fact that Shiro isn't wearing it right now means that even in this situation, she still has some leeway.


“It's been like that for a while now.”

"Oh ....... Yeah, it's interesting to watch."

"They must be desperate, though. ......"

“Master, should you need to inform Chris-san?”

“Oh, yeah. Chris."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Freed said it's time to get ready for lunch."

“Oh, I was totally absorbed in watching and forgot about it. Hayato-sama, I'll be going."

"Yes. Please bring me a delicious meal."

"Yes, I will. I'll put my best effort into it!"

"Ah, do you need any help?"


I'm sorry to just be a guest, and I've already determined that the foodstuff was expensive this morning.


“No, no, no. Please look after Shiro-san and the others"

“Then I'll help you. From the looks of it, those four are going to eat a lot"

Wendy glances at the four who are still moving.

They certainly seem to eat quite a bit of food if they move that much. ......


"Ah, then I'm sorry, can you do me a favor?”

"Yes. I'm at your service!"


Wendy smiled and got up and went to the kitchen with Chris.

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