Chapter 5-4 (Temporary) Shiro's training

 After finishing the tea party successfully, I had to spend almost the whole day with Shiro in my arms.

Well, I was used to this and I didn't mind too much, but I'm sorry that I startled employees who work at this pavilion when our eyes met.

And Freed came through.

I guess he is already used to dealing with me, he is indeed a competent butler.

But still, Shiro is light.

It really is so light that I don't even feel what she have just eaten.

This is also a fantasy! ...... could it be?

And I was thinking about dinner.

"I didn't see you there, Shiro. Maybe you were sleeping the whole time?”

That's right.

It was so bad that when it was time for dinner, I finally told her to come down because she was misbehaving.

Wendy was there all day, and it was so funny and cute to see her getting more and more puffed up.

I'll give her a big hug later.


Shiro, on the other hand, is eating Chris's special dinner without paying attention to it.

Still, she eats a lot.......

"I wasn't that envious. If she's doing that, why didn't she just come?"

"This is more important"

“I don't disagree, but eventually you're going to overtake me”

Shiro continued to eat, paying no attention to Solte's provocation, but she muttered in a small whisper, '...... that's not it'.

Maybe I was the only one who could hear her, but as I recall, a dog's hearing is about four times better than a person's.

Maybe Solte and Renge could have heard it, too.

After finishing dinner, I took a bath with Wendy and Shiro and went straight to my room.

The current room assignment was me alone, three members of the Red Line, and Shiro and Wendy in a two-person room.

Due to the morning training and other activities, they decided to have three people in the room so as not to wake me up.

At that time, there was a dispute over whether Wendy or Shiro would share a room with me, but to make it fair, I got a room all to myself.

Besides, if the three of us were to sleep together, it would be in one bed.

The bed in this room was not a king size, and I didn't want to go to the trouble of having it made for me, so I decided to sleep alone.

It's a little lonely, but it's not bad to be able to use the bed alone for the first time in a while.

It was also nice to be able to sleep in a big bed and not have to worry about my sleeping posture.

Well, in the morning, either Shiro or Wendy may sneak into the room.......

On such a night when I was sleeping alone, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, not knowing what the news was.

I poured a glass of water from the jug beside my bed and took a sip, then somehow went out onto the balcony when I noticed the moonlight.

Then I saw a black shadow moving agilely in the garden of the pavilion.

"That's ......"

"Good morning, Master. That's Shiro”

I thought I was talking to myself, but I didn't expect a response.

When I turned toward the voice, I saw Wendy out on the balcony in her nightgown.

"Were you awake?”

"No, I just woke up just now because I felt Shiro leaving"

"What is Shiro doing?"

"Probably ...... her usual workout"


At this late hour of the night?

And by usual, I wonder if she keeps up with it every day.

“Shiro values her time with Master, so if she has to spend time working out, it's at night"

I see.......

No wonder I don't remember seeing Shiro training on a regular basis.

“Hey, the clothes she wearing are different from the last time I saw her......"

When Shiro rescued me from Dardaril's minions a while back, she was dressed in light clothing, like a ninja outfit.

To be honest, it was a level of dress that worried me, but even the same light clothing is clearly different from what Shiro is wearing now as she moves around in front of my eyes.

Now, she was flipping around in something that looked like a piece of black cloth.

And Shiro's body looks like it is wrapped in black cloth.

When Shiro, dressed in black and with white hair, runs around in all directions under the moonlight, the white lines seem to move like afterglow, followed by the black lines.

And she remains in motion.

Sometimes she stops and pulls out a knife with blinding speed, sometimes she backsteps or turns backward, sometimes she flies high and does a forward somersault, as if she is fighting a virtual enemy, and I could not help but let out a gasp of admiration as I watched.

"That's awesome......”

I must say that the training of Aina, Solte and the others is very different from hers.

The training I have in my mind is like that of the three members of Red Line.

But Shiro's training is, how should I put it, different in concentration.

There is a virtual enemy, Shiro's attacks are not mere pretense but cut off the flesh, and enemy attacks are avoided at all costs.

It is a movement that ensures the defeat of the enemy in front of her, rather than for the sake of becoming stronger.

And as soon as he defeats one, the next enemy comes along.

There is no sign of stopping, no way they will wait for her.

I got such an impression of intense, actual combat that it could not be called training.

“Shiro has been like this since before she belonged to ...... Master”

“You mean from the time she was with Yashisu that she belonged to me?”

“Yes. When she arrived at Master Yashisu' mansion, she was a rough girl who would hurt anyone who came near her"

"Shiro? Really?"

I can't ...... imagine that Shiro, who is so relaxed and easygoing now, had it rough.

“Or rather, how did Shiro come to be a slave?”

“When Master Yashisu went to the north, he picked her up when she collapsed next to a dead monster. He saved her before monster core could repair its body, and after giving it medical treatment, he enslaved her as a substitute for that treatment"

“Her parents are at ......."

“She says she doesn't have any. But she said she had one who was like a sister and learned how to live when she was younger than she is now”

"......From there, she lived on her own perhaps?

“Probably, I think so. She went out with the attitude that she trusted no one, relied on no one, and that she was the only one who could protect herself"

"So how did she come home ......?”

“'If she go back to that house she can eat a meal. That seems to have been her perception"

She didn't recognize herself as a slave, but thought it was a place where she could eat food.

“How did she get to talk to Wendy in such a state?”

"Because I was cooking for her. From there, she started to talk to me little by little"

Uh, .......

Right. I think she's forgiven Yashisu for rescuing her, but she has started to forgive Wendy for giving her food to some extent.

Now they fight everyday, though.

“Yashisu-sama basically let her have free reign at night, but since Yashisu-sama is a businessman, he wanted her to stay in the mansion as a commodity during the day, and she often slipped out of the house."

“I see. ...... Could it be that I met Shiro when she was out of the house?”

"That's right. As I remember it, Yashisu-sama went out to look for her because he had a business meeting with someone who wanted a slave who could fight well."

That's why Yashisu was in a hurry at that time......

"Well, but I didn't see even a glimpse of that when you met her"

"Well, that's ......"



With a snap, Shiro jumped onto the balcony railing between me and Wendy, dressed as she usually is.

I wondered where she had put that black cloak, and although she seemed to have a knife tucked into her waistband, I couldn't find it.

"Wendy, you talk too much."

"I'm sorry. But if Master asks me a question, I have to answer, don't I?”

"Yes, I do, ....... But don't say anything else"

"But I want to know everything about White and Wendy"

“Uh ......! Not yet, no!"

Shiro puts her hands in front of her face.

Her face is a little red and she seems to be embarrassed.

I think this might be the first time I've ever seen Shiro really embarrassed.

"What's the matter? Don't be shy."

"I'm not embarrassed. It's still a secret."

She's trying not to show her face to me, hiding her bashfulness, and she's completely embarrassed.

I tried to look at Shiro's face, but she kept avoiding my face desperately.

Oh, she's so cute.

“I'm done with this. I'll tell you Wendy's secret.”

"Shiro? Shiro, wait. What are you going to say?"

“Before you went to bed last night you had a snack at .......”

“Shiro! That's not what I asked you! It's a leak of personal information!”

Sweets...... snacks, huh?

Well, it's a personal choice, but I don't think you should eat it before you go to bed.

But this time, there's something more interesting than that, so I'll let it slide!

Your face is still red, Shiro.

“Ha-ha-ha. Shiro, are you trying to hide your embarrassment?”

“Woo! Lord mean!

I'm curious about Wendy's story, but this time I want to play with Shiro's blush.

This is a great opportunity.

I don't even know when the next one will be.

“'Pfft. Master is on my side tonight!”

"Mwah. You should writhe and suffer in agony from cavities and obesity. ......”

“Master! I brush my teeth after I eat! I'm clean, you know! Ok!"

"I don't doubt it. Wendy always smells so good"

“Master ....... You smell sweaty right now, Shiro!"

“Well, then, let's take a bath, Lord! Then we'll sleep together"

“Nah! It's not fair! If you're going to take a bath, I'm going in too!"

"If Wendy goes in, we'll run out of hot water."

"We took a bath together today!"

“Oh, really? I don't remember."

"You need to work on your memory, too!"

I still don't know if they are getting along or not .......

But this exchange makes me feel kind of happy.

It is an event that happens because there are three of us.

If any one of us were absent, it would never happen again.

Thinking of this, I naturally smiled.

“Lord? Why are you smiling?


“Ha-ha-ha, sorry, sorry. Well, now that we're here, why don't the three of us go back in?"

"Oh, if you say so"


Now, what shall I ask Shiro in the bath?

About her sister, or about that black dress?

But most of all, I want to know about when we met.

I'm sure she'll be too shy to answer anything, but I hope I can see her embarrassed face today.

Still, I would like to hear about it from Shiro's mouth someday, but I wonder if she will talk about it.

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