Chapter 5-1 (Temporary) Sweet snacks 1

 Author Note:

Despite the delay, we are now in Chapter 5!

After all, the introduction should start with a warm and fuzzy line!

Wait a bit for the title.

Dear Ranpoku!

Thank you so much for your lovely review!

Reasonable! I think that's the best! (This is important!)

I'm going to leave it to your imagination as to whether or not it will lead to sexual intercourse.

I don't want any more warnings!

A few days had passed since Chris' eye was healed and I had told the other members about the elixir.

I felt bad that I had to stay at Hayato's mansion any longer, so I said I would stay at the inn,

'Please don't worry about it. I think it would be more like Itsuki-san rather to stroll around the pavilion with your own place'

Following Hayato's words of praise, I was still allowed to spend time at Hayato's house.

I was a little happy to know that we had become such good friends that we could joke around with each other before I knew it.

“Huh ...... the tea tastes good ......”

But it is black tea, not green tea.

Come to think of it, I thought black tea and green tea leaves were the same?

I think it had something to do with fermentation and drying, but I only vaguely remember .......

Oh, the modern age of quick searches was so convenient, now that I think about it.......

"Please have some snacks, brother"

“Oh Chris, thank you.”

“Chris's snacks are delicious, so please enjoy them as much as you can!”

I was sitting with Hayato, Chris, and myself, eating sweets and drinking tea.

We were sitting at a stylish table and chairs in the garden surrounded by the beautiful flower garden of Hayato's mansion.

Chris was sitting close to Hayato, and when the tea was running low, she got up from her seat and poured it for him.

I felt like an aristocrat.

And the reason why we are enjoying our tea time in the garden instead of inside the house today is...



All that can be heard is the sound of spirited voices and metal clashing against metal.


No, no, no.

I'm here to observe, and I don't think this is going to ruin the elegant mood, you know?

Still, it's amazing.

Even though this is a training weapon with the edge cut down, if it is swung that hard and hits the target badly, it would probably kill the victim.

I was impressed that they were experienced adventurers.

"You're getting worked up”

"I guess so. Shouldn't Hayato join in?”

"Haha, I'd like to take it easy now. ......"

Come to think of it, yesterday he left early in the morning and came back late at night.

Being a hero and a earl, he probably gets asked to do a lot of things when he's in royal city.......

In addition to not being able to refuse them, he probably won't be able to refuse them because of his personality.......

"And Mii will get mixed up in them”

Come to think of it, that's right.

Four people are training now.

Aina, Solte, Renge, and Mii, the four vanguards.

We decided to have tea while watching them train.

“Even so, it's great stuff.......”

All four of them have been in motion since earlier.

Especially what I find awesome is Renge.

She uses her fists in the midst of weapons going back and forth.

Even though she is wearing a protective brace, she is doing things that I would never have thought possible, such as repelling, sneaking back in, evading, and parrying.

Her opponent, Aina, is using a solid two-handed sword, and it can be seen that she is moving to eliminate the gap following the attack.

However, it is the most ideal fighting style that has been studied for a long time, and in terms of survival, there is no greater weakness than a solid fighting style, and Aina, who has a lot of actual battle experience, can respond flexibly to attacks that exploit holes in the textbooks. Aina, who has a lot of experience in actual combat, would be able to respond flexibly to attacks that exploit holes in the textbooks.

The scene of repeated attacks and evasions and defenses against each other is like watching a performance, but Renge's equipment is unmistakably the weapon she uses on a regular basis, and I know very well the pain of her fists.

Solte fights with a spear at the ready and uses her speed to keep people from getting too close.

If the speed and the spear are not used properly, the speed may be killed and it may be meaningless, but if a fighter is as good as Solte, it is likely that Solte has the skill to prevent others from sneaking up on her.

However, Mii is a fellow traveler who has been traveling with Hayato.

The weapon was not an ordinary knife, but a long, large, curved knife called a kukuri knife, but the difference in range was still great.

Even so, she succeeded in sneaking around many times, and there were times when Solte seemed to be in danger.

“This scene is unthinkable in the original world, isn't it ......"

“A guy in the realm above that one is saying what ......"

This guy is actually strong enough to train against four people, including Red Line and Mee.

Moreover, he is spare enough to recognize me.

Normally, when handling “Excalibur,” a sacred sword of light as big as a greatsword, he would have to use two hands.

But because of his high status, he wields it with only his right hand.

Therefore, he can hold a sturdy shield with his free left hand.

Clearly, he is the strongest both in offense and defense.

When I saw him fight for the first time, I thought he might be fighting against an impregnable castle that is difficult to attack and easy to defend.

He calmly defended himself even when it was four against one, and when he wielded his sword, he was so perceptive that even I, who was watching from a distance, could see how fast he was.

On top of that, his overall stats are high, and he is also very quick.

Even an amateur could see that he was too strong.

“...... So, Shiro doesn't want to join?”

“Oh, ......, how did you find out?”

Well, I would have noticed if someone had approached me quietly from behind.

I was only joking because I had set my space magic skill level 4 “spatial coordinate area pointing” to “maliciousness”.

Perhaps it reacted to a mischievous intention to surprise me.

Thanks to this, I was able to notice Shiro's approach.

But, well, just being aware doesn't mean I can avoid Shiro's assault.......


As expected, Shiro jumps over me and sits directly on my lap.

If she made a mistake, she might have hit the desk and crashed into it, but Shiro never makes such a mistake, even in the unlikely event that she does.

I caught Shiro as if I was hugging her and sat her firmly on my lap.

It was quite a shock, but I was used to it by now.

Shiro's eyes lit up as soon as she took a bite of the snacks in front of her.

“'Mokumoku. What were you talking about?”

“I was just saying that all four of them are awesome”

“Which way do you want to go, Shiro-san?”

"Uh, this way"

“I'll prepare a cup for you”

Chris tried to leave her seat to get a new cup.

"It's all right. I'll use this with Lord”

"Yeah, that's fine”

It's not like she has to get a new one from the mansion.

Since Chris is happy beside Hayato, there's no need to bother them.

“But then there wouldn't be enough snacks, would there? Then shall I serve the new ones I made yesterday?"

“Ah, the white pastry I helped you with yesterday!"

"Yes. I made it later because Hayato wasn't around. I did taste it, but I figured we'd eat it together anyway”

"I'm sorry ....... So, what did you make?”

“You'll know it when you see it. Shiro will eat it too,...... right?"

"Of course"

I guess so.

I was planning to put out enough for everyone from the beginning.

So let's open it up.

“Ta-da! It's a shortcake!”

Is “ ta-da-da” old fashioned?

Well, since we had made the whipped cream, we decided that this was the way to go.

The way to make the cake sponge was not so good, but I talked to Chris about how to make it, and after a lot of trial and error, we made it.

“Ohhhh! It's amazing! It really is strawberry shortcake!”

"It's a simple 'Strongberry' strawberry shortcake, but I'm still impressed with how it looks!"

“Yes, it is! Wow, I miss this ......”

I understand. I know what you mean, Hayato!

I almost cried when I finished it myself!

I suppressed the urge to eat it right away and decided to share my excitement with Hayato!

I might even go on to become a pastry chef in this world.

Baking cakes was fun, too!

And seeing Hayato so happy now makes me happy!

Chris is also smiling at the sight of Hayato's innocent joy!

For some reason, my cooking skill level hasn't increased though!

“Lord, can I eat?”

“Well, wait a minute. In a situation like this, you have to start with Hayato.”

"You want me to eat first?

“Yes, eat the shortcake I made with the heart apron on!”

"It's getting hard to eat at once!"

“When I asked to lend me an apron, and that's what I got.”

"Eh, I thought Freed had a regular one ......"

...... Hey Freed.

You were the one who brought the heart apron yesterday!

What kind of an idea is that?

You mean you think I would be okay with this?

Well, I put it on because it's normally useful!

Chris was trying not to laugh the whole time!

"Hayato, eat quickly"

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry. I'll eat it then"

He sliced it from the end with a silver fork and took a bite of the piece with all the whipped cream, sponge, and a strawberry.


Then he looked up to the heavens as if he were shivering with emotion as he closed his eyes.

"It's delicious! It's very, very good!”

"I see! Great, wonderful"

“Lord, can I eat?”

“Yes, you may. Sorry to keep you waiting?

"No, I'm fine"

Shiro first pierces the topmost strawberry with a fork and takes a bite.

I guess Shiro eats the strawberries first.

By the way, I eat strawberries in the middle and change the taste once.

Chris was also happily cutting and eating her portion, so I guess I should eat mine, too.

"Sweet! Delicious!”

"Yes, it is. The rich sweetness after the sourness of the strongberries mingles with the whipped cream, making it rich yet refreshing!”

"Very tasty! Oh, Hayato-sama, you have cream on your cheeks"

"Well, which one is it?"

"It's right here"

With that, Chris scooped the cream on Hayato's cheek with her finger and ate it by herself.

After that Chris felt everyone's eyes on them and realized what she had done, and her face turned bright red along with Hayato's.

Oh, how very young!

“Mu...... not bad”

Shiro, perhaps feeling a sense of rivalry, scooped up a generous scoop of cream with her finger and extended her hand toward me.


“...... not right”

Oh, no, I thought, but it was coming straight at me, veering off toward my cheek.

I grabbed Shiro's wrist in a panic to stop her, but the little Shiro was stronger than I was!

“Shiro? Hey, you're not doing that, are you? Don't you dare try to dip your finger in it and smear it on my cheek!"

"Lord, just give up!"

"What? Okay, if you want to do it, I'll put it on! I'll put it on myself, just don't do it so much!"

"Hmm. Okay"

So saying, Shiro licked off the cream on her finger by herself and I reluctantly put a small amount of cream on my own cheek.

Hayato, stop holding back your laughter.

Just laugh at this ridiculous behavior for once.

“Then here you go, Shiro, make it quick ......”




I thought for sure she was going to scoop me up with her finger.

I thought it was strange when she changed the way she sat.......

I had jokingly thought Shiro might do it, but I never thought she would really do it....…


Slurp,slurp .......

But I'll give her points for keeping her eyes closed during the licking.

“Lord, slurp!”

“You say that with words?”

I've never seen a girl say it in words instead of mimicking it!

Girls shouldn't be so slurp!

“Uh, ...... Shiro?”


“How long are you going to lick me, ......?”

“Mmm. Till I get bored"


Ticklish .......

And indeed, Shiro. A cat person tribe.

Although not as rough as a real cat, her tongue is a bit coarse!

She has a sensitive tongue, and she's cat-like in this way too.......

“Uh ...... Shiro-san? Can we stop now? It's already off, isn't it?"


"Oh, yeah......."

No, well, there are two people with red faces in front of me, so it's time to stop.

"Shiro, we have a problem"

"What? You got the hots for me?"

"No, I'm not"

“Continue .......”

No, wait, it's not impossible to tell me to lust after this, but not right now.

There is still the next treat to come.


“Shiro, I can't serve another snack like this”

“Okay, I'll stop"


Too quick to return to her original fixed position and posture!

I didn't see any movement at all!

“Is there more?”

"Yes! This one looked very tasty too!”

“Come on, Lord. Sweets are escaping"

"No, they're not......"

Okay, so let's bring out the second part of the fun, shall we?

It's similar to the shortcake, though.

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